My Top 10 Parenting Toddlers GIFs

Okay, hands up if you're parenting a toddler. Now, check if you're still functional and sane. It's the last month of the quarter, and I managed to stay in one piece! It's April 1st, parenting toddlers can sometimes feel like an everyday April fool's day.

Whenever I search online about parenting, I would find either one of two things- "becoming a parent is the best thing that ever happened to me" or "parenting is hard" themes. So which one is which?

parenting gifs

I have here my Top 10 Parenting Toddlers GIFs to illustrate what parenting my 2-year-old is like for me.

  • Me talking non-stop about the WHAT and WHAT-NOT, and not get listened to.

Toddlers want your full attention when they talk about the silliest things but refuse to listen to anything you say. Don't take it personally. You'll probably keep saying what you just said an hour ago for the next few days anyway. . and not get listened to (again).

  • Sleep is for the weak.

Does it baffle you that your toddler won't sleep at night when it's the only thing you need after a day's work, but refuses to wake up when you need to get that early morning shower for an important event? In either case, my son would say, "mummy, it's too early!"

  • I am the boss!

In case you're wondering, that's your toddler's line; not yours. Toddlers are bossy little creatures who are so good at bossing you around like .. a boss! Yup, "I want that!", "that's mine!", "give me that!", "No!" are some my little boy's favorite lines.

  • You crave for some 'alone time'.

These tiny humans are the 'clingies.' You just cannot do anything without them interfering. They follow you around, and they got their eyes fixed on you. You're lucky enough if they let you use the toilet for a few minutes, heck they even want to watch and laugh while you pee or poo- that makes them not just 'clingies' but also 'grossies.'

  • You do not have time for anything.
You plan your days, you've got tons in your to-do list, but nothing gets ticked off the list. By the time these kiddies are put off to sleep, your energy is so used up, you cannot even move anything with a fingertip. Aside from the meal preps (because somebody needs to eat!), the occasional laundry, you still try to do some things. Seriously, what else can you do?
  • You're friends think you have ditched them or vice versa.

Your friends call for a get-together, and you do not even think if you could make it, you know it's an outright no. Some of them think you are avoiding them, and later on, they might just start avoiding you.

It's great if your friends are #teamtoddlerparents too because for sure they understand. Parents with really young kids do want to hang out, for all you know they need a break too. It's really troublesome if they would have to bring their toddlers out with them. It may get difficult looking after a little one in the confines of your home, let alone outside of the house.

  • He-loves-me-he-loves-me-not.

Admit it, you are not always going to be the coolest mom or dad in your child's eyes. You get angry, you lose your cool, but always remember to come from a place of love. These little fellahs sure love you with every beat of their hearts.

  • You think your child is the most beautiful of them all.

Parents, be honest now, you all think your child is the best, and you will always be the proudest. You share your toddler's first painting, first day at the summer camp photo, first muddy puddle jump, first anything. Especially at this time when people can share anything in social media, you make sure everyone you know knows your child's achievements and how beautiful your little munchkins are.

  • Know that there is no foolproof way to do it.

What works for one family may not necessarily work for you. All those tips and hacks to parenting and how it's supposed to be done readings you might just find on the internet or books may or may not be suitable for you. Remember, your child, your rules. I always emphasize this to parents who keep on asking me how I do it with my little one to always make sure to come from a place of love, and surely you will never go wrong.

  • You're doing great, so far.

Finally, know that you are doing a fantastic job by merely trying to be the best parent that you can be to your child. We all already know that despite the happy and the beautiful, parenting, in general, is not a walk in the park. You need to affirm yourselves as parents that you are doing well. Your children know what great parents you are, and that whatever you do for them, you do for their own good.

So that's it for me. Parenting toddlers is truly both fun and hard. Can I get an amen?
