breastfeed in public without fear, this is because I am well aware of my rights
and my child’s when it comes to breastfeeding in public. But more than the knowledge of the legal status of breastfeeding
in public in our country, it is for the reason that my child’s needs matter to me first that I am not afraid to breastfeed anywhere. My
son is 3 years of age as of writing, and I still breastfeed him anytime and
I have
received quite a number of comments from other people about nursing my child in
open view of others, some are more supportive, and others have a more uncomfortable
tone. Luckily, I have not received a comment too harsh about me nursing my
child in public.
I do hear
and see a lot of arguments about normalizing breastfeeding in public. The fact
that there are people who find breastfeeding in public as disgusting makes me
want to advocate about it more.
breastfeed confidently in public to also empower women who are not yet mothers.
I want them to learn about breastfeeding when they see me and hope that they
will see the importance of practicing it when they become mothers.
Social and Legal Status of Breastfeeding in Public
The social acceptance of breastfeeding in public varies from culture to culture; also, the practice of breastfeeding in open view of the general public has varying legal
status in different countries.
Here in the
Philippines, breastfeeding in public is not frowned upon any longer, however,
there are others who are still not well aware of the legal rights of the mother
to breastfeed her child anywhere.
The MilkCode or Executive Order 51, signed by former president Corazon Aquino in 1986, and
the Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009 are the laws that protect and
promote breastfeeding in the Philippines.
Mothers are allowed to breastfeed in public, and employers are required
to allow lactating employees breaks to breastfeed or express breast milk. The
laws include education on the importance of breastfeeding, allocation of
lactation areas for lactating mothers, as well as the health benefits of
breastfeeding for both the mother and the infant.
In the United States, breastfeeding in public is legal in all 50 states. Moreover, other countries have also become more open about breastfeeding in public.
World Health Organization, recommend breastfeeding for two
years and even beyond. Despite this, people in some parts of the world, still
feel uncomfortable seeing mothers who are breastfeeding in public.
there are laws protecting the right to publicly breastfeed, this has not
prevented others to ask nursing mothers to leave public places like
restaurants, parks, etc. Some mothers still receive nasty glances, or may even
receive rude comments for publicly nursing their children.
Breastfeeding in Public Debate
You can
just type it on the web and would find articles, videos, even memes about
breastfeeding in public. In addition, women activists, especially mothers,
speak strongly about normalizing breastfeeding in public.
It is debated whether women should be allowed to breastfeed in public. The very fact that there is a debate about this speaks so much about how important it is to normalize
breastfeeding in public.
For most
mothers, we would argue that breastfeeding is natural and as it is, then there
is supposed to be no more questioning whether we should be allowed to do it or
not. However, there are still people saying that nursing mothers should be more
considerate about it. Furthermore, some would argue that breastfeeding has to
be done in the privacy of our homes.
Pro and Against Arguments on Breastfeeding in Public
It is our
personal experience and way of thinking that speaks for us on whichever side we
are in this debate. Society
tells mothers that breastfeeding is beneficial for mothers and their young
children. I find it hypocritical that it is the same society that is not
supportive of mothers breastfeeding in public.
Let us try
to understand the opposing views about breastfeeding in public.
Pro Breastfeeding in Public
- The biological function of breastfeeding
need it and mothers should be allowed to nurse her child anytime and anywhere.
It is a natural thing to feed a child who is hungry. There is so much benefit in breastfeeding a child that is why I choose to do it anytime and anywhere as my child needs it.
People need
to move away from seeing a woman’s breasts as a sexual object. It would not be uncomfortable for both the
mother and others around if we do not sexualize breasts as body parts.
The main purpose of a woman’s breast is to
nourish her infant child. I do not see any reason why people would be disgusted
by that.
- Convenience
A mom has
everything she needs to breastfeed her baby. Mothers do not need to bring other
tools to feed their children. We all want to eat at once when we are hungry
just as a young child needs to be fed when he or she is hungry too.
Arguments against breastfeeding in public
- Breastfeeding in public is vulgar
As I have
mentioned earlier, it is for the reason that breasts are sexualized that people
think it is vulgar to see them when a mother nurses in public. Some would argue that the view of a woman’s breast attracts
attention from males and even females, as well as children, hence, unnecessary
comments are inevitable.
Some will
even compare breastfeeding with excretion and sexual activities. They would say that breastfeeding is natural,
just as sex, urinating, and defecating, but they are not done openly in public.
But the last time I checked breast milk is NOT human waste, it is liquid gold
for FEEDING A CHILD! It abhors me that breastfeeding is seen in the same
category as human waste—urine and feces are excreted from the body
because our bodies do not need them anymore.
Some say that
breastfeeding is just the same logic as letting a man’s penis dangle while
walking, I am sorry to invalidate that argument because who would actually do
- Breastfeeding in public is unsanitary
Others may
argue that feeding a child in public lacks sanitary safety. But it is really
not an issue as long as you do not send us to the toilet to nurse our
babies. Come on, would you eat your food
in the toilet? I bet not!
Mommies, please do not feed your babies inside
a toilet! That is what’s unsanitary.
Breastfeeding in Public with Confidence
I always
say this to my mommy friends, especially to the new moms, IT IS OK TO
feel the need to cover-up, then do so by all means. Just make sure that your child is comfortable
too. Initially, I tried putting a
nursing cover when I was nursing my son so as not to attract weird glances from
people but my baby did not want it.
I realized
that I was doing what I was doing because I needed to feed my child, so what is
the point of covering up if my child will not be comfortable as he feeds. You would not want a blanket over your head
during a meal. In the end, I chose my child’s comfort over other people’s. If it made them uncomfortable, then they
should have covered their faces instead.
I do not really
like nursing covers because it is like sending the message that we are covering
because we think it is obscene. However,
it really depends on the nursing mom what she finds comfortable or not. If not covering up will stop her from feeding
her hungry child, then breastfeeding would not have served its purpose at all.
A final word on breastfeeding in public
I still
believe that we can all compromise. Know your rights and keep your cool. Breastfeeding
in public is very much ok, however, It would be good to plan ahead so you would
know how to respond to the not-so-open-minded. You can just smile at them if
they are giving you the nasty looks. But if all else fails, and if you have to
argue with bullies, later on, I suggest
to just let it go; leave and find a spot where you can calmly and peacefully
feed your child. There is no point arguing
with people who refuse to understand.
I love all the above mentioned topic. Convenience is the best for me. I am now a grandma, I breastfed my children with pride anywhere and everywhere as I pleased and on the demand of my hungry babies. I have a big piece of cloth to cover my breast and viola, presto no more baby tears. Go and be proud you have that milk, there are a lot of mums who want to breastfeed their children and sadly they can't. The experience is awesome. It is a story of your life that you will be proud to tell over and over again in every group chat. CHEERS TO ALL BREASTFEEDING MUMSHIE.